Sunday, 28 February 2021
I recommend: Into the Breach
Saturday, 27 February 2021
Final Fantasy 7 Remake: The series?
Final Fantasy overload!
Tetsuya Nomura must be a trip to work with. At that base level, no matter where you look at the guy, there's no dying he has oodles of talent. He's the director of the much beloved Kingdom Hearts franchise afterall and has turned that into one of the longest running video game crossover events of all time. (No doubt contributing to the hefty Square Enix coffers in the process) But my god does he know how to drag things out. At this point I'm literally at a loss. Is this intentional? Is this some malady of genius? How in the heck did Final Fantasy 7 Remake get to be an episodic adventure with this many moving parts to it? You'd have thought that the Square guys would have learned their lesson when they gave him Final Fantasy Versus 13 and it took 10 years to make. (And then became XV) That's not 10 years for Nomura to make, mind you; no they had to pull him from the project because it took so long. I'm not entirely convinced that the episodic nature of Final Fantasy 7 Remake wasn't some desperate compromise to get this game out once Square management saw him naming his directing successor in his will.
I say this because at this point it it's far past speculation; Final Fantasy 7 is Tetsuya's new series of games in the same vein that Kingdom Hearts was. He's going to be telling this story for the next decade at least, and before you dare imply there's not enough content for that, oh don't you worry! At the recent Playstation Play event he made it clear how that is absolutely no problem for him and his 'adaptation' process. Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be celebrating the imminent death of it's exclusivity with a PS5 glowup that comes along with a brand new chapter called Final Fantasy VII: Intergrade. And yes, I mean 'Brand New' as in 'none of this story was in the original FF7, what are we doing, argh!' Yep, not content with simply straying from the script, Tetsuya is doing a Koishbe Rohan and just straight rewriting that. Heaven's Door or no. New chapter here, new character there; Aerith turns out to be moonlighting as Sephiroth and turns into a magical three-winged angel in the third act. Anything's on the table now!
So what could this new content possibly bring to warrant being attached to the storyline before a chapter 2? Well, Yuffie Kisharagi of course! That's right, the Wutai princess and everyone's favourite Materia thief is sneaking into the picture for a brand spanking new adventure in- Midgar? Is- is that allowed? Yuffie's been to Midgar before meeting the group? That seems slightly off to me, as though it's an example of a speed-running sequence break or something. I thought part of her development was in that she was inexperienced and hadn't visited the far off corners of the world yet; but to be fair I haven't played the original for years so I might be misremembering that. Either way, who cares; the final character has been added to truly bring the FF roster to full power and I'm so happy I can almost overlook how this spells disaster for anyone who wanted to see this remake finished before their grandchildren were born. Nomura's in this one for the long haul boys. (Yes, I know Cait Sif also isn't in the roster yet. But can I just say, screw Cait Sif. He's creepy, his whole deal is creepy and I couldn't care less if- wait I forgot about Cid. and Vincent. Dammit...)
Hmm? You're not yet sold that this is an indication of an impending barrage of FF 7 content, the likes of which cannot even be conceived of? In that case, allow me to introduce you to the other titles of the event. What about 'Final Fantasy 7: The First Solider'; The Battle Royale. Oh you did not misread me, dear viewer, I said Battle Royale. What's that? You thought the trend of endless Battle Royale games based on every intellectual property was dying? How foolish: it's only just begun! Now be forced to live in a world that takes place several decades before the beginning of FF7 and seems to be following the members of SOILDER- killing each other I guess? Not really sure how this is supposed to fit into the storyline, truth be told. Sort of sounds like a waste to even reveal the time setting. But that's nothing compared to their second game.
Okay, so bare with me while I try to wrap me head around this because I hardly get it myself. So it seems that Square are also releasing an IOS linear chapter-based turn-based version of FF7 that's animated in a style similar to, yet fundamentally different from, the original game. The big difference being that when the battles start it enters into a turn-based rendering of the remake's graphics rather than a voxel stage. Now, and here's the part I don't understand; apparently this remake is going to consist of the entire original storyline, which doesn't really make any sense because the Remake both isn't done yet and is stepping away from that storyline. It's also going to contain, apparently, Advent Children, Crisis Core, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus. Now considering that Advent Children is a movie, Before Crisis is a 2004 mobile game, Crisis Core is a PSP game and Dirge of Cerberus is a third person shooter; I'm a little confused. Oh it's called 'Ever Crisis' by the way. Are they telling us that this a kinda faithful remaster of Final Fantasy VII heading our way along with remastered versions of every single piece of canonical FF7 content? Are they going to rebuild all of the content to run in an 'abridged' manner similar to how FF7's base game will appear in this pack? How will that work when Advent Children is a movie? Or is it just a compilation pack? There are so many questions to answer, but even in our current enlightened state I have to admit; this is kinda looking too good to be true. I say that to mean; a lot of these other FF7 game are hard to get our hands on now due to the constant evolution of hardware. Dirge and Crisis Core are made for consoles that aren't supported or made anymore and I have no clue how one would even go about getting a ROM for a 2004 mobile game working. Bringing them all together in whatever form it turns out to be is quite simply valuable. Incredibly valuable. I wonder how much Square will need to gouge potential buyers in order to justify this level of effort to themselves.And then there's the issue to bring up of this game apparently coming to IOS and Android. What's that all about? From the sounds of it, this is looking to be a rather meaty compilation collection; shouldn't it come to actual consoles and PC? I've heard people compare this to Final Fantasy XV's 'Pocket Edition', and that would make sense if that's how the base game is going to shape up; (and I suspect it is) but even that ended up going to PC in no time, so what's this suddenly mobile favouritism about? I'm simply asking because the amount of value on offer here stands to seriously skewer the mobile marketplace more than Square already does on the daily. That's a place for low effort shovel-ware, not lovingly crafted compilation pieces! Have mercy on the app stores, Tetsuya; think about the bottom line!
But you know what the worst thing is about this impending and unending wave of Final Fantasy VII? The part that really grinds my gears to mush? I'm here for it. Every single little bit of it, I'm down. I'll be honest; I love the world of Final Fantasy VII and always get left with that feeling of sadness whenever we have to leave a world of FF characters behind. Getting to see them all again, going on so many new adventures alongside old one's that shape up differently to how you remember: that's very special to me. Even as the Final Fantasy franchise moves on and XVI comes out, I'll always have more room in my heart for VII's endless journey and the plight of Cloud Strife. I know that absolutely makes me part of the problem, but darn it I can't help myself. You got me, Nomura. You got me.
Friday, 26 February 2021
Pyra/Mythra in Smash!
"I'll burn you"
I'm forever a-curious when it comes down to characters who get added to the storied roster that is the Super Smash Bros. line-up; because it truly is a position of honour to sit at. Getting recognised as a figure of enough universal acclaim to join the world's biggest gaming crossover is flattering by any regard, and though we've still been denied our Waluigi that we so rightly deserve, the sheer number of interesting new characters that have been added through DLC has almost made up for that glaring omission. Additionally, the love and care that have gone into realising all of these characters is quite often second to none and indicative of the development team's commitment to celebrating the source materials as much as possible. I'm being serious, when it comes to Smash characters literally every single move and animation is a reference to something or other and for a fan to analyse them heavily it can be quite the treat to see what was included and where it comes from. And for this latest character; I am defiantly a fan.
'Xenoblade Chronicles 2's two-for-one waifu Pyra and Mythra have joined the fight; what a shocker! Honestly, I was half expecting it to be Lady Dimitrescu considering how much that character has blown up in popularity, but Mythra and Pyra were similar standouts in Xenoblade and so I love to see them here. Although, it does sort of suck to see that, yet again, the number of crossover franchises remains unchanged. We've already got Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles 1, so I'm a little bummed we're picking from Xenoblade yet again. That being said; I'm not about to scold Nintendo when they went ahead and put a character I actually like into Smash, so I'd like to celebrate a bit.
First of all, I find it curious and strange that a decision was made to do a whole melodramatic video pertaining to her invitation. the whole 'One day Pyra disappeared' thing was really kind of odd, and I don't just mean that because it does a bit of a sin for JRPGs; in that it features every single companion from the game. You can't do that! Part of the fun of JRPGs is going through the storyline and learning which of the colourful enemies you're facing will end up becoming your friend by the end. (Yes, I know they're literally all shown on the back of the case but I'm pretty disciplined so I ignored that.) However, I suppose that the very nature of the character meant that there was going to be some spoilers, especially given that the character is interchangeable with Mythra despite the fact that Mythra's reveal was pretty much the climatic 1st act conclusion. That being said, I suppose we're sort of past the statue of spoilers given how the game is nearly 5 years old now, similar to how no one's up in arms about how Shiek from Smash was a transformation state for Zelda despite that being a secret reveal in her source game. Huh, they went and make Shiek an entirely separate character in future Smash games? Well are we spoiling or not?
Either way, I thought the video was rather cute, if foreboding, with Rex being unceremoniously abandoned and left pining for his girlfr- I mean, number one Blade. The only thing that hurt me to my very essence was the fact that I had to listen to the English VO's for the whole trailer. Now no offence to the English cast, they did what they were told, but when I played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I almost quit the game because I couldn't stand how badly suited their voices were. I mean okay, Rex sort of fits in a kind of 'scrappy-little-kid-who-was-always-told-he'd-never-amount-to-anything-before-being-dragged-into-this-wild-adventure-of-whimsy,-friendship-and-love' kind of way, but Nia was so wrong it made me want to die. She is a character that embodies 'Tsundere' and is a girl-cat literally called 'Nia'. (as in 'Nyah'. Get it?) If you can't play off at least one of those stereotypes, then you're doing it wrong! Then, like the guys at Nintendo read my freakin' mind, I got an actual Email from Nintendo telling me about the existence of a free Japanese VO pack. (I know I've told that story before, but I still love how bizarre it turned out at the end there.) For this DLC I really hope that the Japanese VO's are an option. But I'm about 90% sure they won't be.
Eagle eyed players might have noticed right away that Smash decided to add something to Pyra and Mythra's design. Mythra lost the little a window over her bust and Pyra has these new, actually pretty cool looking, metallic battle tights. I'd imagine this is in order to fit some sort of Nintendo mandate that only a certain percentage of skin can be shown, (Pyra certainly did show a decent amount of leg and I'd be lying if I didn't say that Mythra's bodysuit is pretty eye-popping at first sight in the game) which is likely the same reason why poor Mai Shiranui has landed on the permanent Smash blacklist. (I get it, Smash is a formal event that has dress rules, say no more.) Aside from that these characters are identical to how they appeared in the game and I have to put my hands together at how seamlessly Smash's style incorporates all these different character designs. Everyone goes together so perfectly you'd have think they'd all been designed by the same art style. Smash is just so universal in so many ways.
When it comes to the moveset I actually only realise now that the team had a rather straightforward roster to choose from. Both heroines have defined movesets and animations from their battle arts that can easily be looked to for inspiration. Flame Nova, Prominence Revolt, they're all there, and I think the boomerang sword move comes from one of the lesser como arts chains. Mythra's moveset looks much more my speed, however, with her actually shooting enemies with her sword-gun. I also love the fact that the team managed to work in Mythra's foresight as an actual, almost Mortal Kombat-esque, dodge move. In the Xenoblade game it was dressed up as this incredibly powerful ability that allowed Mythra and Rex to enter a sort of Star Platinum speed mode and easily dodge attacks, but in gameplay it just translated into a stat boost. This time it's a real thing and I love it. Finally, I'm glad that Rex gets to come in for the final Smash moves giving him some of the spotlight. (Two final smashes for one character? That's got to be unique, no?)
As with every single DLC character this will also come with a 'season of Xenoblade' which I imagine will translate into another hundred spirits that are all based off of the various optional blades one can acquire on their journey. (Although some of those optional Blades were already Spirits so I wonder about how much material the team can actually draw from.) Plus, there's the new stage for which the team must have realised they already had a huge titan island from Shulk's stage and instead opted to stick us on Gramps back. (I love how the entire cast make cameo appearances on the stage too, I can't wait to just watch them interact with one another like they never got to in-game thanks to Gramps' shrinking.) Yeah, as you can likely tell I'm a huge Xenoblade Chronicles 2 nut so this entire reveal was like nutmeg to me. I recognise that some people are gonna be peeved (another sword fighter? Are you serious!) But I'm happy at the very least.
Of course, the only question now is who can possibly be next for the Smash lineup and what will they bring to the table? I'm still not ruling out Alcina Dimitrescu, although now I think about it she might be too tall for the stages. (You can't just 'make her shorter'; height's the entire point!) Personally I'd love for one of Sony's characters to get a look in, but Sony are too drunk on the misconception that their franchises are varied enough for in-house crossovers to so much as entertain that idea. (So likely no Kratos anytime soon.) My realistic bet is that it's going to be Resident Evil character, because we've already seen Smash/Resident Evil crossover through spirits without an actual fighter. My unrealistic hopeful bet is Dio. Hey, he showed up in some games, alright! There was 'Eyes of Heaven' and- and 'Jump Force'! (Ew. I said it's name.) I just want some more Jojo in my life, is that too much to ask for? Whatever the case, I guess we'll find out before the year's out. (This games' never gonna stop getting DLC fighters, is it?)
Thursday, 25 February 2021
Nintendo and Organised Crime: the Story
Wednesday, 24 February 2021
GoldenEye returns
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Gearbox Bought out
Monday, 22 February 2021
Six days in Fallujah
Sunday, 21 February 2021
I never got Life is Feudal
Saturday, 20 February 2021
Taking that little off the top