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A Dauntless Tale

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Post 800

 No one told you life was gonna be this way >clap<>clap<>clap<

So it would seem that I blazed right past post 800 without even realising it, likely due to how preoccupied I am with just making these darn things and queuing up the next one, all without really stopping to take stock of everything I've made up until now. But now that I've quite literally carved the time out for myself like a Halloween Pumpkin, just give me a moment to bask in it. Eight Hundred. Good god, what a trip that is. To think that something which started as a hair of a whim would balloon and gorge itself out in such a grotesque fashion is... fitting. Miyazaki-esque, almost. For something to persist far past it's usefulness and then to morph into this unreasonable, unstoppable force; why, I might have been scared of thing myself were I not having such a blast filling it in. Oh, and that, dear reader, is where I'm currently at which my opinions on this whole 'endeavour'. I have my ups and downs, today I'm at an up, tomorrow I could be at a down. Neuroses' can be inconsistent like that. 

But I think my current enthusiasm might be driven by the pure smothering of things I have to talk about recently; to the point where I'm fit to bursting for wanting to talk about it all. Heck, there's still a lingering game or two from E3 I still want to cover, but which I likely won't be thanks to the plain fact that it's in the past now and the next events are already upon us. It seems almost deeply irresponsible, given the chosen vocation for this blog, for me to be taken this aback by these upcoming events, but I always am. Shouldn't I know that Gamescon is just around the corner by now? Isn't it weird for me to be looking up E3 times when it's the same every year? What's wrong with just setting reminders on the computer? Honestly, I think that the ignorance by somewhat unintentionally intentional, in that a part of me likes the surprise of learning there's a cadre of new games just around the bend.

Sometimes it helps to have these events that postulate and proposition the future of the internet gaming hype train, because that instantly makes them whole football fields more accessible than other events of significance, like the release of a game itself. Still, I can't help shake the feeling that somehow I'm missing out, such as with the recently dropped Psychonauts 2, sequel to the Tim Schafer classic. On one hand I'm letting that entire launch pass me by, but on the otherhand I never played the original, and my style of review typically takes into account the entire series thus I'd only be doing the quality of this blog a disservice by rushing to meet the launch. Not to mention the fact that there's a canonical VR game in-between there that I'd have to figure out how to play, despite having never played VR before. And then there's the fact that I just like enjoying games at my own, lethargic, pace. After all that I don't feel like I'm missing out too much at all.

Of course, gaming news isn't the only thing hurtling towards us, and in fact the entertainment world is forever drowning in new announcements and 'exciting' exposes that trying to keep a hand on everything is unavoidably overwhelming. Even sticking to gaming alone I feel like I sometimes feel like a tidal wave is crushing me everytime the week starts, and thus it's little wonder why marketing slips away from us into straight stupid territory, just so that the new stuff can stand out. I'm not even talking about the gimmicky stuff like when Capcom hid prosthetic body parts around London and got the Police called on them, instead I'm talking about the deluge of honeyed-words and barely coated lies that characterise a lot of AAA marketing these days. It can make the excited who buy into it and encourage others to do the same, feel responsible when things don't go to plan, which is a really crappy way of handling the enthusiast/developer relationship. 

Not that such dichotomies hang over my head as such, they just scratch around in the space behind my eyes, forcing the odd bout of introspection out of me against my efforts and wishes. Is this me gently hinting that I feel guilty over my Cyberpunk blogs? (before the release) A little, honestly. Which is probably why I rail so hard against CDPR and everything they've done since, because they made such a fool out of me and even my light scepticism wasn't nearly enough to shield from the colossal screw up. That being said, I've taken a considerable effort not to hound them constantly, because I find such practises boring and I have so many other topics to rattle on about anyway. (Who else is going to cover the extreme nationalistic-isolationist leanings of The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind's narrative? Who else would be that bizarre?)

Speaking of 'Bizarre', I found it a lot of fun to talk about one of my other keen loves in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure recently, even if the topic was a complete divergence from everything this blog is really about. I like to sprinkle in the odd helpings of other stuff that grabs me here and there, just to keep the blogs fresh and the heart beating whenever I sit down to do these- the freedom of choice really is what makes this. But again, that doesn't mean I want to make any of that a regular thing, once in a while is fine by me. Besides, what do I really have to say about something like the tentative title for Jojo Part 9 being 'Jojo Lands'? It sounds like an amusement park ride? It could be the title of a fight-to-the-death style gladiatorial brawl between each Jojo protagonist up until now? Nothing I've said can't be covered by those with considerably more details on this topic and the artform of manga in general, thus I'm better off just shutting up and watching the whole thing unfold. (I'm sure Araki knows what he's doing. Probably.)

And then finally there's always the new and exciting movie news that lands at our doorstep which I'm ever happy for (escapism is important, afterall.) I've said before that I'm not a huge movie buff and usually only really see one or two new movies a year, but that doesn't mean I don't saunter up to the news cycle and get all up in the business of new releases just to scope out whatever might suit my tastes best. Point-in-case, Spiderman No Way Home which in it's trailer alone promises to tap into my childhood and bring back Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus! I mean, we already knew beyond a doubt that was happening anyway, but actually seeing it makes my heart soar, ya know? It sure is manipulative and if this were a game studio waving an old favourite in front of my eyes I'd be quick to call them out on their BS, but I guess I just don't take movies that serious. (It helps when movies don't burn as big a hole in my wallet as games do.)

So that's been me over the past 100 blogs (Or so, again, these milestones slip away from me) not much about myself and that's because I've really settled into the entertainment world as my outlet. Perhaps that's the proper state of zen for an amateur writer to access, or perhaps I'm slowly slipping away into various fantasy worlds; honestly, neither fate sounds particular better or worse than the other to me right now so I may be already too far gone. I've no lofty assertation about the next 100 blogs, because honestly I have so many other things that I'm juggling right now, it doesn't make sense to line-up any big projects beyond the odd review. Oh, actually; there are certainly some show reviews I need to get back to and finish. Dragon's Dogma just made me hit a funk for several reasons, one of which you'll figure out presently once I hit my review of episode 3: Lust. So... yeah. That's about it, see ya.

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