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Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Persona non grata

Yes, I know that due to my weird organising system for when these blogs get out this will most likely be fairly old news by the times it reaches you folk out there but I must vent all the same. It's not just that I am excited and feel the need to spout it; after everything that I've gone through emotionally and physically over the past four years, it's pretty much my duty to pen this. And so hear I go; Persona has finally hit Steam! That's right, after years of begging and grovelling in the dirt to seemingly death ears, Persona has finally made it's way to the one platform that all JRPGs should, honestly, be on from the very beginning! (By that I mean: 'PC', by-the-by, I not specifically simping Steam or anything.) As a person who hasn't owned a Playstation in far too long, it's been torture to see Sony hog all of these great titles by virtue of proximity (and probably obscene amounts of money) but now things are finally opening up to the wider world, soon every RPG fan will know what it's like to play an actually fantastically written RPG adventure.

But I would be remiss of myself not to start this off with one simple congratulation; so to ATLUS, you people out there that I've addressed oh-so-snarkily for as long as I can remember, thank you guys so much; you finally listened! (Okay, 'finally' sounds a little accusatory. How about 'actually'? No, no that sounds like I'm surprised you could even listen. I'm trying to say I'm happy, that's the intended takeaway.) Ever since that time when I first happened upon the original teaser trailer for Persona 5 all those years ago I've had one takeaway rattling around in my brain; I need this game and I need it on a PC. Why would anyone turn on a console to play a hardcore RPG? With all of those menus, stories,  tactical planning, and everything that goes into mastering titles like that, the PC is just the natural home for RPGs. (Alongside, in my opinion, the Nintendo Switch) Now that longing has been mostly met and I can suddenly feel a weight I didn't know I had lift off my shoulders, what a timeline to live in. The waking world has gone to hell in a matter of months, but Persona has come to Steam. (Is this Newtons third lore exercised on a societal level?)

In the past I may not have been exactly all that amiable when discussing ATLUS and the way their team handles their games, maybe I even threw around a few names. (Although nothing too rude, obviously, I've always respected the team.) So I offer my deepest apologies for anything that might have offend, whilst I rub my hands together and excitedly prepare to jump into this whole new world of RPGs. Although, once again I will throw a little shade, the game that I was asking for, and a great many other folk were asking for, was Persona 5. That was the game which stole my heart from the moment go, which locked my attention for several months and which has wormed it's way into by head everytime I hear that effortlessly smooth, slick soundtrack. But then I get it, Persona 5 blew up but 4 never really got the widespread attention that it apparently deserves, might as well use that momentum to signal boost. Fair enough. (But 'Persona 5 Royal' PC port is next, right?)

In my years of tipping my toes into the fandom for the 'Shin Megami Tensei' franchise I have actually heard a little about 'Persona 4' here and there. As far as I can tell it takes the 'Final Fantasy 6' spot, of the game which all the self-proclaimed die hards claim is the best in the franchise, even when widespread appeal might be elsewhere. Of course, that isn't to say they aren't telling the truth, I mean I would argue that Final Fantasy 6's cast isn't nearly as instantly unforgettable as FF7's, but that title does have it's nuggets of undeniable quality. Perhaps Persona 4 is just the same, surely this will become apparent as this is the only Persona title within grasp and thus it's only a matter of time before the communities of Steam get to learn what all the fuss is about. Some even go so far as to call this title 'ATLUS' masterpiece', so that's quite the high praise being thrown this game's way.

And yes, you didn't misinterpret there, all of my knowledge of the Persona franchise is second hand due to their, seemingly primordial, exclusivity deal with Playstation up until literally last week. That, coupled by the relative invisibility of Japanese RPGs to a young English boy, meant that even when I had a PS2, I never got my hands on this series. Instead my introduction to JRPGs went a bit more traditionally, with me running head-first into the Final Fantasy franchise. Those were titles that expanded by expectations for role playing games far beyond what even the best in the west were pulling off (sorry Bioware, but you folk weren't, and still aren't, even in the same league) From there I discovered Catherine, which led me to Killer 7, and so on and so forth until the mystifying world of Japanese gaming begin to unclog and I could see the appeal. (Still don't understand why those guys like 'Dragon Quest' over 'Final Fantasy', however. DQ is like the soul of formulaic, it just doesn't make sense to me.)

Of course, the unique aspect of the Persona games which really won over my attention was the way in which all of these games feature lovingly constructed anime cutscenes which project the pace of the game beautifully. (It's certainly a far cry from Bioware's constantly stiff cutscenes which are a actual pain to watch.) It's one of the ways that these games really highlight how much stock they put behind the presentation and framing of their storytelling alongside the actual gameplay. It's also just great to look at for someone like me who just a general fan of anime both in style and in substance. (I'll get my fix where-ever.) Of course, theses are just gimmicks that ride on the strength of the core subject, luckily folk say that Persona doesn't disappoint there either.

I look forward to starting on this new journey, but in many ways this feels like the end of a long one. I still remember that stinger from a couple years back when ATLUS teased Joker, only for it to be his induction into Super Smash Brothers rather than a PC Port. I remember the fervour that Playstation fans exhibited when it was revealed that Persona 5 would be available on Sony's play-on-PC plan for a scant few months, though only if you had a console and the game. (Or something equally as prohibitive as that.) And I even remember when I myself set-up a PS3 emulator just to run that version of Persona 5 on it. (The frame-rate was ultimately unplayable, unfortunately.) It's almost sad to think that those times are behind us now and in such a ordinary manner; I loved the chase so much that I'm a little deflated by the destination.

But then again, the race isn't over yet. Persona 5 is still yet to be officially announced and, if we're being technical, that was the actual first game that I wanted from ATLUS. So in that technicality, they still haven't given me what I want and I can still keep on a little pressure, though perhaps in a lighter fashion now. (Afterall, they are going to port Persona 5 next. RIGHT?) For now the best way I can show support is by recommending the new HD, complete port of 'Persona 4 Golden' which is up on Steam right now for a steal at £15.00 (In English money, obviously. I can't speak for other currencies.) Heck, even the digital deluxe version is only £20, for that price, what real reason do you have not to? (Urg, I'm getting Sales flashbacks. Someone end me.) Of course, myself I'll probably hold off fo- whoops, I just bought the deluxe edition. Oh well, expect a review in a month or 5, then!

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