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Saturday, 21 March 2020

This could be the end of everything

So why don't we go...

Not too long ago I spoke about a world in lockdown, although that was technically just a hair before I entered Lockdown myself. (We're a slow country over here sometimes.) and now I've found myself wandering down empty streets singing to myself. (Yes, I actually do that. It's how I get my exercise.) Everyone appears to be reacting to their old 'epidemic-caused social distancing' thing differently, and I've found that incredibly fascinating to watch from the sidelines. I, for one, have scrubbed my hands raw due to the amount of times I've ventured outside, but apart from that it's pretty much business-as-usual for me. Not everything is taking this situation as flippantly, however, and fewer people still have even the luxury of my insouciance.

In the ever-out-of-touch world of celebrity there's seems to be a certain mania that has swept across the acting populace. Or at least, that's the only thing that I can assume is responsible for that train-wreck of a sing-along conducted by Gal Gadot yesterday. It truly is worrying to think that but 5 days into America's lockdown her celebrities are virtually gathering to croon 'Imagine' (horribly out of tune) from their million-dollar abodes. I mean, I know I joke about how this is the apocalypse and all but I am honestly joking, I truly wonder if these folk do believe it is their last hurrah. Some speculate that this is the fallacy of actors, they have such a yearning desire to perform that they'll willingly embarrass themselves on the global stage for the wider world to see. Or perhaps this was the intent of the whole affair, to provide a silly video for everyone to laugh at in these trying times. If so then I applaud them, for it's surely better than whatever Evangeline Lily is hawking these days.

But that's enough from the traditional celebrities, this is a blog about gaming, and thus the latest machinations of Gamestop is much more my cup of tea. This week past you might have seen my little dramatisation of Reggie's acquisition by Gamestop, twas a fun little story that I wanted to spice up a bit and I thought it might have been the herald of smoother seas for the folk over there, although it seems I was a little mistaken. With my never ending faith in Mr. Fils-Aimé, I can only imagine it was above his station to make the decision to obstinately force Gamestop stores to remain open in the midst of this pandemic, although I'm still miffed this happened under his watch. For those who didn't catch it; most stores have been forced to shut their doors for the foreseeable future and revert to home-working where it's possible. Only essential stores are allowed to remain, such as food providers and medical stores. (I hear that restaurants are allowed to stay too, although I'm much too poor to acknowledge what is so essential about them.) This would have spelled the closing of Gamestop's stores too, had they not magically classified themselves as 'Essential'.

It's a shocking move that reeks of an opportunist's scheming rather than the steps of a concerned employer looking to protect it's workers. And that is because it is exactly the work of an opportunist. Gamestop's sales have risen during this crisis and management were unwilling to give that up, regardless of the possible optics. In their mind, they became an 'essential service' due to the relief that they provide folk who are stuck indoors, but even for someone like me that explanation rings a little hollow. Bear in mind that I positively live and breath games, and even then I'm very aware that they aren't actually necessary for continued function of my body. (Just for my higher functions as an individual.) Although even if we were to discard that most obvious of facts, in what way would that make Gamestop a necessary institution? The digital world of gaming is alive and fine today and nowadays it's honestly just as expensive to shop there as it is in the physical stores. (Which is part of the reason why Gamestop have been in such dire straits recently anyway.) Nothing about their story adds up and it paints a terrible picture on the world of gaming for the clueless mainstream. (For the love of god, don't give them more ammunition!)

Seems that those of the local government have agreed, because according to some leaked correspondence that was distributed to Gamestop staff, the high-ups were specifically providing documents for rebuttal against demands of closure from police that were apparently being made. It wasn't just the police that were pleading for these stores to abide the lockdown, however, the employees seemed just as upset. A few managers complained about how lacking they were in the basics to run a store in the midst of a virus, like the necessaries to prevent contagion to their staff. Sanitary gloves and disinfectants were running in short supply before the lockdown stuck and Gamestop warehouses have none in stock to ship to their desperate stores. Some stores weren't even allowed to close up their public play areas, despite the obvious risk for contagion such stations presented. Worst of all, employees were strictly required to come in for their shifts or risk having their absence marked down as 'unauthorised'; quite the dictatorial stance for the Gamestop command to take in such times then, huh?

The consequences of these actions were predictable and swift, huge and overwhelming public backlash. Seems that despite the constant attacks about how 'entitled' gamers are, we still apparently care about human decency enough to be offended when something so grossly misjudged occurs. (Especially when done so for our apparent 'benefit') Folk rallied to make Gamestop aware of just how dumb they were being and honestly right on them, If Gamestop really wanted to make the most out of the situation then why not spend their time revamping their business model like they really need to do to survive? What better time is there to make vast changes to your core structure then when none of your staff or stores are functional? But then, what do I know, I'm just another serf... The Gamestop employees, on the otherhand, were in a much more tangible position to let the higher ups know about their displeasure and they made it so, by quitting in a lot of cases. (If there is any more solid of a middle finger to your boss, I don't know what it is.)

Ultimately this campaign has the required effect, to a point. Gamestop have shut down all their stores in California, although it's unclear if this trend will pick up elsewhere. (Although Cali was where the majority of stores that were forced open were situated, as I understand it.) They did ensure to go full 'Foot-in-mouth' however, by delivering an insulting statement regarding their own conduct. During this address they thought it wise to include how "The health and safety of our employees and customers is of utmost importance", which is just provably false given their actions over the past week. Forcing and threatening their employees into putting themselves in harm's way whilst actively encouraging consumers to do the same isn't exactly the sort of move that lands one on the shortlist for the Nobel prize. For the time being, however, the official Gamestop stance is that their remaining open is of essential public interest and that appears to be the hill that they are willing to, and seemingly are about to, die on.

So 'stir-crazy cabin fever' has affected all of us. From the humble nobody typing on his computer in the dark at half past midnight, to the clueless celeb in their multi-million dollar garden, to the desperate corporate megalomaniacs. Call it the 'great equaliser' that puts us all on a level playing field. Only some folks delusions are markedly more dangerous than other's. I think it'll be interesting to discover how people choose to cope in the weeks to come, as well as how crazy things will start to get once weeks start becoming months. (Which, at this rate, it looks like they will.) For me, however, the most fascinating thing to observe will be the way things end up once the dust is settled and we all start coming out of our bunkers of self isolation. What will be changed, who will be impacted and, most relevantly, will Gamestop still be allowed to exist? Magic eight balls says: Outlook not so good.

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