Theirs was a storied history. From the start they were but a tiny band of like minded fellows out in Tuscon, Arizona, building from grass routes to appease a, soon-to-be, eager populace. No one could say that their clan was unique nor their way of doing business, but none of those from before had attended to the same demographic as theirs, and that made their cause special. The early folk of the, yet-to-become-Gamestop clan tailored their wares and services to a largely unseen people, the Western Nerdic tribes, and thus became beloved for their efforts. In the years that followed several clans, small and moderate, would come to join their number until soon, not long after their first decade of business, the noble house of Gamestop was founded.
Those early years of life were surely some of their best, and those with the recollection to look that far back would surely attest for such wondrous days. Everything was new to them, no one quite had any idea what a seller of games could, or even should, be, and so they defined it as they went. They broke new ground, in a sense; they were trendsetters. By the turn of the century the proud crest of House Gamestop could be seen flying from the battlements of many a hold far beyond their homeland and reaching across valleys, mountains and even oceans. Inside the edifices that flew that crest bore but a single promise; that those who manned those tills and shelves would be enthusiasts, just like yourself. That way, Gamestop would be a safe harbour from the judgement and ridicule that the Nerdic people had endured for decades now, it could be a place of healing. And buying things. That too.
From this would be borne a proud reputation which would make the abodes of House Gamestop a regular destination for the masses. This was also a time of great prosperity for those who built and grew the Clan oh so long ago. They had toiled in the mud and choked on the miasma of the start-up world for so very long. Many of those that had started this journey alongside them had long since fallen to oblivion, crumbled into obscurity or descended into obliquity. Along the way they had dabbled in many works of which none were proud, like print, but all those troubles were behind them now. Vestiges of a bygone age. None could tell them that their cause was folly, as they had been so wont to do back in the day, for they had succeeded where all else had failed and nothing could possibly eclipse the glorious budding empire of Gamestop.
But beneath all that weave of hubris and pride, beat a heart of stubborn obstinence, and that fatal malady would hurt the empire that they had worked so hard to build. With success grew a greed, and suddenly their goodwill with the Nerdic folk would be strained. Policies would shift and edicts would launch, before long the celebrated 'trade-in' offers would become cruel, perverse jokes that would but insult the customer. Clansmen stopped being selected with care and attention and those that joined found themselves treated more and more poorly by those from the house. Before long a lot of them stopped caring, and House Gamestop lost it's reputation for being a safe haven for the Nerdic culture. Copycat houses began to crop up and did what Gamestop used to, only cheaper or with a certain touch of charm that seemed alien to them now. All these were growing pains that any empire would have to face, but if there was one force which Gamestop could not endure nor outsmart, it was the shifting winds of time.
As the physical experience for Nerdic culture steadily grew more inhospitable, so too did the convenience of the online experience improve. The people were growing tired of venturing to their local House of Gamestop, only to be mistreated and by met with foul deals; why put oneself through that when it could be handle through the power of the ether? Initially, the ruling elite of House Gamestop found no cause for concern, their prices were superior, none would willingly financially disadvantage themselves, would they? But as the years drew on, society became only more reclusive, and soon people found themselves the extra money to shop online rather than to brave the outside world. Even as Nerdic culture swelled more so than it had ever done before in the history of our dear world, Gamestop's buildings saw less and less footfall each winter. Their brightest tried to make up the difference, introducing merchandise to their shelves such as 'shirts' and 'Fun-co pops'; but this only pushed their core base further away. If they could find their sought games at Gamestop no longer, than they would seek them in newer, stranger lands.
Dark times these were that befell the proud house of Gamestop, and these are the times they still find themselves in today. With the loss of their identity came a loss of their core folk, and before long their vast empire was unable to sustain itself and began to crumble under it's own weight; as all empires must. Whereas once their banner flew in every waytown, now they maintain only the most essential of locations, those just strong enough to keep themselves. They could still survive of the weight of the new age, distributing console hardware to the masses, but those 'new ages' were far and few between and would not support the seven-to-eight year winter betwixt. This year's winds carried especially worrisome news for the heads of the House, as the frightening Corona-plague had swept the land to such a degree that it threatened to delay the impending new age just that bit further. Such a prospect sent shivers down those executives' spines, "They cannot do that." they surely thought "We'll not last another year!". But the times are uncertain, and hand of the Dark Plague had already cut down many a planned gathering already, some might call the delaying of the new age; Inevitable.
In that desperate white-hot panic, the heads of the houses came to an unsettling conclusion; they were unworthy on their own. Their guidance had led the House of Gamestop a ways, to be sure, luck and momentum had carried them the rest of the way; but no further. The Nerdic culture had outgrown them, or they had outgrown it, whatever the case, they were unfit to entreat her denizens anymore. What they needed was someone who understood this new age of gaming, someone with the youthful heart of the Nerdic, but the wizened head of a teacher. They needed a mind far more capable than theirs could ever be, but with the willingness to board a sinking boat like theirs. Quite the miracle, then, that these people needed. Yet it seems that may have been exactly what fell into their laps.
The air was thin as the Lords of House Gamestop made their way to the abode of The Legend. His pedigree was unchallenged, his history spoke for itself. Alone he ran the Western branch of the ancient and most powerful Nintendo Kingdom, and his status was akin to that of a god for the Nerdic tribes. His reputation had outgrown the confines of life and swelled to the stratus of myth, for his eminence was one with gaming culture. Only recently had he announced his retirement to the heartbroken masses, but even then his face had not lost it's household quality. Truly, if anyone could save the flagging House of Gamestop from itself, it would be him, but none could be sure if he would ever accept. They approached with reverence, offered their deepest respect and then told of their story to the man himself. He was an imposing figure in person, and inscrutable as they made their plea. Once they had done they were met with only silence as he bore into their souls. After a span of stillness, he hummed a ponderous note. His thoughts were his own, but at least he seemed to consider their words much more than most feared he would. In a sudden he spoke, low and melodic, and his words were a surprise even to their most hopeful.
"Yes." Reggie fils-aimé said, "It will make for a suitable test to my skills."

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