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Friday, 25 October 2024

Gaming's newest enemy has dropped

 Or a returning one?

So even though I am not of the country and pointedly never speak of it- I am very aware of who Donald Trump is and the goings-on of the Election he is currently barrelling towards with all the grace of an elephant riding a Big Wheel. Those yanks and their crazy conundrums are just across the pond from little old me, as such it behooves me to stay abreast. Not least of all because theirs is the home to 99% of the video game developers in the world right now. (Although it should be noted that many of the best are further afield.) As such when rumours start to spread that, according to the allegedly words of Donald Trump, that territory might soon be going to war with Video Games- I get a little worried. But not before I gawk at the sheer gall of such idiocy.
I get the need for incendiary rhetoric in a position such as his. The man is a hairs-breadth away from an election just clear of two assassination attempts that no one seems to care about and a supreme dud of a VP choice he clearly made when he thought his opponent was too much of a dementia riddled fading mind to notice. Now all of a sudden all of his directed attacks at age and how doddering Joe Biden is have bit him in the ass, and people are taking more notice of his meandering speeches that shed away the larger rally crowds, or the concentrated thirty minute dance break recess he took for absolutely no reason a week or so back. How do you convince people you're not falling out of your saddle? Double down on the rhetoric! Let people know you stand for things and hopefully it's the kind of things they will decide they care about- because that's modern democracy, baby!

Still, even with all that readily apparent in my mind- sometimes the targets he picks are so stupid you wonder if the man even knows where he is half of the time. To be clear, I'm talking about the comments Trump made about the "glorification of violence" in society which "includes the gruesome and horrible video games that are now commonplace." (I see that, once again, a popular dictator from a foreign country has slipped their rhetoric directly into his mouth- what a shocker!) Although not clear on any plan of 'banning' or taking any action whatsoever, making this not so different from his video game violence mix-tape from a few years back, he did foretell a need to "stop or reduce this substantially." Which falls just short of a promise so the man can happily forgrt about this the moment he waddles back into the Oval Office.

Now at no point does this actually rise to the point of being a 'ban', but this is the kind of talk that sends a shiver up Jack Thompson's little thompson. Still- let's take a look at this from an objective angle- shall we? Donald Trump essentially just demonised the number one pass time of a lot of middle Americans, at a time when he really needs every vote that he can score in a tighter election then anyone would be comfortable with. Then again his base is the puritanical Right- the kind of people desperate to find an enemy in anything other. Also the base that is rapidly getting aged out as they move into retirement age- mix with with a paranoia over encroaching gun control and literally anything can become a scapegoat. But let's take this a bit further.

Say Donald does start throwing down the legislature against the video game world- that would literally kneecap the single most profitable entertainment industry sector in the entire world: this from a candidate who lionizes their financial savviness. They claim that America is on the ropes and they want to revitalise the economy- though I seriously wonder how crashing a multibillion dollar industry would achieve that. Then again- I'm operating under the very weak belief that these guys are intelligent and think before they act. But uhh... well, that isn't really something you can take for granted, now is it?But just for fun, let's play out how this would go.

So first off, all of the big companies would literally just move out- basically feeding industry to other countries- not very 'American first' of you, eh Donald? Of course, you can bet that most employees won't be able to make such a jump, so this would result in a complete degradation of current industry talent- probably leading to a giant crash. Smaller to medium studios would be absolutely incapable of leaving the country and would be forced out of work. Perhaps their talent would filter into the tech sector- who can say. Either way Donald would end up making many of his own countrymen destitute in order to force a false scapegoat. And is anything more American than that?

Long story short, is Donald Trump the new bad guy of the Games Industry? Nah, but he's certainly much raking in the dumbest areas for a man who is apparently looking to score some last second votes. His base is locked in- they don't need to be catered to anymore- yet all in he goes making hairbrained promises that twist the vast majority of younger Americans out of his grasp. The further this goes on the more flabbergasted I become at the 'strategy' of the man, if indeed such a thing exists. Honestly some morbidly curious part of me would love to see what would happen if he does end up winning- watching to see if the man even remembers any of the enemies he made along the way... It would be funny, you have to admit.

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