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Thursday, 9 January 2020

Wierd West

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RPGs, am I right? The gift that never stops giving! Even in the most dire periods of video game innovation(Like in the height of the FPS years) there has never quite been a stop to the steady flow of role playing games in the market. Perhaps it comes from the incredible versatility of the genre or the inherent game-esque mannerisms that make it impossible to replicate this genre on other mediums, or mayhaps it simply comes down to their prevailing popularity. (My money's on that last one.) Whatever the reason, the result it that this year we have a bevy of wacky and cool Role playing games to look forward to, from the grand AAA blockbusters (Cyberpunk) to the smaller scale niche games, like the one we're focusing on today.

One of the actual world premiers that we saw at the VGAs (Yes, that is specifically discounting those 'world premiers' that were actually just the latest trailer of a previously announced game) came from a familiar linage that was very much flaunted from the outset. Former Arkane Studios cofounder and creative director, RaphaĆ«l Colantonio, and former executive producer, Julien Roby, had come together in order to form a brand new studio in, Wolfeye Studios. These two were a couple of the folk responsible for the smash hit stealth action game, Dishonored, which was originally specifically conceived to be a standalone title. When that game morphed into two (now three) titles, there were a few furrowed brows by folk wondering if visions had evolved or been forcibly relocated, and judging by this new studio I think we can make some fair assumptions as to which way that balance tipped. (But that is mere wild speculation). Whatever the truth, now we have WolfEye and their new game published and blessed by those lovely, and odd, folk over at Devolver Digital.

The game in question, Weird West, seems to be a isometric RPG that themes itself around the curiously underexplored genre of, what else, Weird West. Weird West, as a genre, is used to denote a story that bases itself in the age and decorum of the Wild West whilst imbuing that narrative with supernatural elements that edges it into fantasy. Think of shows like 'Westworld' or books like the 'Dark Tower series'. These stories use the romance and mystery of the Wild West as familiar wrapping that makes the introduction of weird and amazing concepts more palatable. Similar to the way how pirates are usually used in stories involving maritime mysticism over the use of privateers or sea-bound settlers. We naturally treat these topics with some hazy eyed whimsy so we're not too repulsed when reality falls away into slight absurdities.

Our trailer starts out by introducing us to a concept with which all RPG players are, at this point, now nauseatingly familiar with; a world where you can be whoever you want to be. (I'm not knocking the amount of work and effort that goes into crafting such a world, it's just that it's practically a cliche at this point.) Our narrator breathes about how "this ain't quite the wild west as (we) know it" in a voice so hushed it sounds like their recording this monolgue right next to their parent's room. The imagery itself is delightfully vague with naught but slight glimpses of deformed beasts to whet our appetites. We see pentagons, prowling werewolves and hear about "ancient powers at war with each other", but most of the trailer is taken up by stylish art pieces rather than actually rendered supernatural entities. I find this as a clear indication that WolfEye intend to lean on the 'mystery' angle of this game for as long as they can, and for that I applaud them. (Even if I find it a tad frustrating.)

One of my favourite aspects of this trailer is the way in which we can see the slight shades of inspiration from the imagery. We see it in the comic book screens that break up the gameplay in the trailer, the Borderlands-esque bold lining that accompany the in-game models and that shot of the town that filters between peacefulness and a massacre, there's no way that scene isn't a direct wink to Westworld fans. I also appreciate the colourfulness of the world that we see, in the few nuggets of gameplay that we do get, which is something that could easily get lost in the dusty west if allowed. Night is envisioned as an inky purple instead of dull black, bringing the screen to a life in a manner indicative to old comic book colouring.

When I look at this title, it conjures to mind memories of similar off-beat RPGs like 'Torment: Tides of Numenera' or even just 'Wasteland 2', both very different titles from the outset but share in a visual presentation. I think it comes from the high-angle isometric perspective that teases how much there is for the screen to take in. Just as how there are moments in 'Torment' that look like a painting from the mind of a madman, I expect to see just as visually stimulating vistas in 'Wierd West'. In a perfect world I would also hope for this title to be a full-fledged turn-based RPG, but seeing as how the trailer proudly spouts "Action RPG", I doubt I'll be so lucky.

Once more this is a title that speaks to the value of the creatively free indie scene to the world of gaming, as I cannot imagine any AAA studio green-lighting an odd little project like this. (especially as Cowboys haven't been 'In' since the early 2010's.) Additionally, this shows us the importance of publishers willing to work with smaller studious like Devolver Digital and... actually it's really only them isn't it? (Unless you're willing to turn tricks for Epic, I suppose.) I'm always interested to see the kinds of titles that they help usher into life, as every now and then I see one that is right up my alley; point in case: Weird West.

There is still a great more for us to see regarding this title, but already this game has a lot of heads turned. Even more so, I'd imagine, considering how a similarly stylized isometric RPG, Disco Elysium, absolutely cleaned up at the VGAs. WolfEye have kicked up a lot of expectations of late and it'll be interesting to see how their game rises to the occasion and whether this title has even a shadow of the presence that Elysium did. However things play out, I'll be keeping this title on my "To watch" list and paying close attention in the months to come.

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