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Friday, 31 January 2020

All aboard the rumor train: toot-toot!

The say the force can do terrible things to a mind...

We live in a society high on the drug of instant satisfaction, wherein we collectively cannot stomach the proposition of waiting for answers and confirmation, so we eagerly scoop up rumors instead. Not to criticize the sage wisdom of the great writer Mark Twain, but perhaps we'd adhere to truth and fact more often if it were only a tad quicker on the wake-up. Much of the momentum of the entertainment news cycle is impossible to sustain without the grease of the alleged every now and then, and sometimes it's even a bit more fun to speculate about what could be rather than being told what is. Oftentimes you'll hear it said that folk think they know what they want, but they don't; whilst I vehemently disagree with such statements in most instances, I must admit there may be a little bit of truth to that in this one.

But what has me waxing philosophical about rumor culture, you ask? Well, that would be the popular whisper making the rounds that EA are taking a shot at remaking 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic'. (Which is my second favourite game of all time, if you didn't know.) Now, I haven't looked into the specifics of this rumor, because I don't particularly care about how reliable it all is and if we can 'trust the source', there is a much bigger discussion at hand. (Besides, a lot of the time these studios 'leak' these projects on purpose to gauge audience interest.) I'm torn at my very core as to whether or not this is something that I've always wanted or my absolute worst-case-scenario. And that isn't even taking into account the fact that EA would be the ones heading such a project if it does really exist. (Although it would be through Bioware. Who are currently working on Dragon Age 4, a remodelling of Anthem and the beginnings of a Mass Effect sequel. Talk about 'stretched thin'.)

As a huge fan of Star Wars, I was one of the many people who shook their head at the Sequel trilogy of films reasoning that the franchise should officially move backwards to it's greatest hey-day: the days of the Old Republic. This age, set thousands of years before even the events of 'The Phantom Menace', told of a time where the Jedi weren't an eminent force in the galaxy and were instead locked in a mortal struggle against their natural rivals, The Sith. This concept would reach it's greatest heights at the moments when we saw huge sweeping battles between thousands of lightsaber-wielding Sith and Jedi.Through a fantastic comic series, two grand games and a half-decent MMO, we got to explore this world and nothing that the Star Wars brand has put out since has ever topped it. (Although a few of the 'Star Wars Episode 3.5' stories have come close.) I even remember longing for a sequel to 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic' for so long, so why am I so conflicted about the prospect of a remake?

To be honest, I wasn't always this ambivalent. I think this really hit me when I saw one of the numerous fan projects that attempted to remake the original Kotor. (And was promptly shut-down once EA got wind of things.) I don't recall which one, but I remember peeking in on a showcase video from an excited Star Wars Fan. I remember the demo in question showing off a bit of the lower cities of Taris and some of Tatooine, and hearing the voice geek out over how shiny everything looked and the glare of the neon lights. It was then that it really hit me what was so wrong about this project; everything looked too clean. What I mean to say is, the textures were good and all but it didn't feel like Star Wars. That's when it hit me how Kotor is one of the only Star Wars games that nails the feel of Star Wars without recycling content from the films. It dares to be different, and somehow improves instead of alienates. (How amazing of a feat is that!)

That is the memory which I am bought back to whenever anyone talks about the possibility of a Kotor remake. Now, I'm sure that EA, with their official contract to poke through official Star Wars assets, will make an absolute breeze out of nailing the look of Star Wars, but that doesn't mean they'll replicate the atmosphere of Kotor. Because, you see, it was a lot more than just the look which made Knights so special. Kotor managed to completely rejuvenate a galaxy that we knew so well and make us look at it from different eyes, it brought doubt and shades of grey into the universe without becoming too bleak and gritty, and it introduced fans to a cast of unforgettable characters that were as good as family. (The way I see it, one of Kotor 2's biggest mistakes was supplanting those companions for their weak-sauce variants.)

Then there is the big elephant in the room; the immortal twist that proved so memorable that it did to gamers what "I am your Father" did to a room full of 1980's movie goers. It completely turned our world on our heads and made us look back on everything that had happened up until now, it's part of the reason why Kotor's protagonist is one of the most liked character in the Star Wars Legends library. That twist is completely out-of-the-bag now, practically everyone knows about it. (Although I won't saw what it is on the offchance that you don't. Seriously, play Kotor.) I'm not saying that a remake would therefore be totally pointless, but a lot of the appeal will have sagged.

Of course, at the end of the day the reason why I don't want EA touching Kotor again is because I don't think anyone in that organization could do the game justice. Yes, I know that the development duties would most likely go to Bioware, but Bioware is no longer the famed studio who put together Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Jade Empire and Dragon Age. (Heck, that much is obvious from the fact that 'Wizards of the Coast' passed their studio up for 'Baldur's Gate 3', giving it to Larian instead.) We've seen this studio bleed key talent over the past few years and struggle to put out a finished product or even finish one they started on. (They cancelled DLC plans for Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda at the behest of EA.) I don't trust them to revive this classic.

Yes, I know that 'Star Wars: Knights of the old republic' is an ageing game with lamentable graphics and some poor voice performances at times, but it brings it own charm and that is something I doubt Bioware know how to instill today. EA may be riding the high off of their 'surprise' single player game hit in 'Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order', but I would implore them not trample upon the strong legacy of their best games. I realize that some of my zeal against this rumor comes from that strange possessive greed that us gamers sometimes have, but I'm trying to channel that into a desire to preserve, rather than one to hoard and keep for myself. At the end of the day, I have no say in this and the cautionary, but ultimately positive, reception that this 'news' is getting likely means that if EA hadn't already optioned this remake, they will do now. I just hope that any incurred damages upon the legacy of the original are paid for with the deliverance of a completed Kotor 3. Don't let us down, EA. (Like you always do anyway...)

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