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Monday, 20 July 2020

The Hitman 3: The Very-Specific Hunt

Wait, it's all World of Assassination?
How much can one say about one of their favourite modern franchises ever. Do I rave and celebrate finally being able to see it mythical third entry like the rabid fanboy inside wants to, or do I mourn in the knowledge that this marks the very final entry in that beloved franchise. I know, I know: All good things must end else we end up getting another 'Assassin's Creed' or 'Fifa' (Yearly crap that either just manages to stay roughly interesting for a time or else sinks into uncreative mediocrity) but the romantic deep within me loathes the impermanence of it all. Let me remind you: 'Hitman: No Subtitle' came to me at a time when I was becoming disillusioned with gaming and began to fear I was losing interest in the whole pastime; until it reinvigorated me. (Kinda getting there again, by-the-by, could use another unexpected masterpiece, if any games companies are listening.) So it's with pride within a heavy heart that I talk to you, dear-readers, about; 'Hitman 3: No Subtitle'.

This isn't really the sort of game that I need to look up for a backstory, I know it all better than the rhythm of my own heart. IO Interactive (stylised as IOI) went back to the drawing board to reinvigorate the Hitman franchise after the luke-warm reception to 'Hitman: Absolution'. (Which was the first Hitman game that I owned, incidentally. Though I'd played 'Blood Money' beforehand.) What they settled on was an episodic Hitman game that toned down the length of the campaign considerably in order to hyperfocus their efforts into each level with the goal of creating max replay-ability. They literally wanted to create the dream stealth-game; 6 locations with practically infinite numbers of ways to infiltrate and achieve your objective. (Rather than the standard 3 which we commend some of the better made stealth titles for.) That game, Hitman, would end up being published under Square Enix; before IOI bought their autonomy and were allowed to keep the franchise, meaning that 'Hitman 2' could be published under themselves. Now with a dedicated fan base of die-hard stealth heads; they promise to wrap things up with a finale to make it all worth it. (And I, for one, can't wait)

From the trailer we can see that, surprise surprise, the story appears to be picking up directly after the events of Hitman 2. The ringleader of Providence, Arthur Edwards (Otherwise known as 'The Constant') has just escaped from our captivity and seems to be in the middle of monologue-ing about putting Team 47 on the back foot. The whole feel of the trailer does noticeable offset the style of the games up until now with armed men in the woods hunting, presumably for 47. Up until now we've had 47 being on his normal everyday beat, 47 hunting down Lucas Grey and then Providence, but now we have him in the crosshairs; and it'll be interesting to see how the hunter deals with being hunted. (Although, knowing 47, I imagine that it's just going to make his job a whole lot easier when his enemies start coming to him.)

Edwards might be a little premature with his victorious celebrations, however, as those who have been with the franchise since that initial reveal will note how every single teased face from that cinematic ended up translating into an actual target. (albiet, with a few tweaked personalities.) And who was the cap off for that trailer? Which face did we see searching through his briefcase only to discover that someone left an active bomb at the bottom? I don't think you're very long for this world, Mr Edwards! Whatsmore, it's a bit presumptive to claim that 47 is just the hunted now, for in order to sell his bluff 'The Constant' did have to give up the names of the Partners who he used to work alongside. (I mean, seeing as how the tried to screw him over I doubt he'll miss them but that's a thread he isn't going to enjoy getting pulled on.) So I guess, all in all, IOI are setting us up for a bout of 'The Deadliest Game' wherein both sides are hunting the other to see who gets to strike first. (How climatic!)

In terms of the world and gameplay there is very little to go on and that makes me anxious; I really want to know what Hitman 3 is going to bring to the formula! Hitman 2, of course, introduced the 'social stealth' mechanic which allowed 47 to hide in crowds and shrubbery; (Which called for a mild redesign of the first game's levels) so 3 has a precedent to top. For my case, I vaguely remember a feature from the original reveal gameplay, all those years ago, which showed 47 carrying a box of fruit with a gun hidden inside it, some way of sneaking forbidden items past guards whilst completing a disguise. Although, in fairness I don't really know how useful such a feature might be since it's already pretty easy to sneak contraband past checkpoints with the introduction of briefcases. (Also from Hitman 2) So what I'm saying is the sky is kinda the limit and I wanna see what IOI come up with.

On the topic of levels we haven't been left completely in the dark, however. Aside from a brief flash of locations which seemed to tease Tokyo for a brief second (somewhere I've been asking for since day one) there was actually a short trailer of the first new location; Dubai. This actually teases a concept that I've seen floating around forums every now and then; of an assassination that takes place in a skyscraper. The appeal of such a location comes not just from the views, which admittedly do look spectacular, but from the way it limits your options for exfiltration, unless 47 learns how to grow wings and fly. (Then again, remembering that Miami Easter Egg I guess he's already covered in that regard.) Visually the location looks stunning, slightly reminiscent of my initial reaction to the Himmapan Hotel, and I can't wait to see the ways in which IOI blow us away. (Like by letting us blow up the tower or something. I want that assassination opportunity, please!)

And so we come to the rub; this game is being billed as the dramatic conclusion to the 'World of Assassination Trilogy', and that has left more than a few folk scratching their heads and going "What? Since when was that established?". I mean sure, there was that original trailer which coined the term 'Enter a World of Assassination', but Hitman 2 boasted the tagline 'The World is your Weapon'; and at no point was a trilogy established aside from that seeming like the general trajectory that most narratives take due to the classic 'three-act structure'. Now in that light it does make sense, Hitman 1 followed 47's discovery of Providence, Hitman 2 followed 47 coming to blows with Providence so 3 should follow the wrap up, but there's a bit of sleight-of-hand going on in claiming about how 'pre-planned' this all was. Now we're being told we're at the end of the line and should have been expecting it the whole time, well I call foul! Major foul, IO!

But at the end it doesn't really matter, does it? Next January IOI are going to try their hand at hooking us for yet another 200 consecutive hours of playtime and we have no recourse except to lap it all up like the ravenous murder fans that we are. Or at least that I am, I shouldn't speak for everyone. (Not everyone has it in them to do a Master difficulty 'Silent Assassin Suit Only' run of Colorado, afterall.) Needless to say this is my personal must-have and the absolute highlight of the Playstation 5 showcase. Did it show off the power of the hardware, no, but then I don't really care about that anyway, I just want to see great gameplay regardless of the mechanics making it run. As long as no poxxy 'exclusivity' deal slips into the equation I'll be happy to support IOI once again as one of the few developers with talent, poise and a damn affable composure. Keep up the work, guys!

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