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A Dauntless Tale

Friday, 14 June 2019

'Why make a blog?' and other questions.

Disclaimer: I am so very biased and will never shy away from that fact. It's that passion that fuels my enjoyment of writing. What I am trying to convey is, take everything I write with several crates worth of salt. Whilst I try to get to the truth of subjects I am under no obligation to do so; therefore if you think I misrepresented a topic, feel free to call me out on it. I'll probably respond.

Why make a games blog?

As an avid gamer for practically all my life, (My earliest memory of games is playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at age 5) it only makes sense that I live and breath games in the same way a film lover flocks to the silver screen or a foodie savours a flawless dish. Video Games have served me well as a tool for escapism my entire life; providing an outlet for my creative side before I even figured out that I had a creative side. Escapism from what, I ask myself? Escapism from the mundane and boring that anyone can attest to living in a small borough in the United Kingdom.

Even when I was young I've always seen myself as living on the outskirts of everything, if that makes any sense. Perhaps it's the classic "I'm the outsider" Syndrome that's indicative of some deep-seated desire to stand out or perhaps I have just sort of been on the outside a lot in my life.

  • I currently live in Croydon, a large town situated in what is technically known as 'Outer London'. although the place is decently metropolitan it is in no way distinctively so. What I mean is, the place lacks the culture and richness of the main city. It's not that I feel isolated out here so much, but I do feel aside to the proper action in London.
  • I've never been on top of trends, I got into the browser based MMORPG Runescape about two years late. And during my time with the game, I spent my adventure looking at all the 'members only' content from afar like some sort of envious peeper. Memberships in general have always been something of an Achilles heel for me. I'm always tempted but never commit to one. Ever the Bridesmaid, I guess.
  • In school I was never one of the kids in the 'inner circle' of friends. Not in the archetypal 'clique' sense like in BULLY but in our little group of students who hung out at lunch; me and my friends would cling onto table along, like little a group of ticks leech off the popular lot. (Not that they were the popular one's so to speak, but they were the smart ones.) It was all a bit exclusionary in hindsight. 
  • I love the in's and out's of video games and video game development despite the fact that I've never been able to get into coding and script writing myself. Maybe it's just too rigid and logic ruled for me but I've never been able to stick with it. (Maybe one day) 
  • And as a Brit who likes to observe the entertainment world; it feels like all the exciting, imaginative projects and opportunities exist in America, or Canada or Poland. Although, they supposedly exist everywhere if you know where to look.
Overall, the point I'm trying to make is that I am not the one with their finger on the pulse of society. I'm not the proactive, charismatic magnate at the centre of the world with every thing in my grasp. I'm just a kid in England who likes games. 

What does any of this have to do with making a blog? And why now?

I suppose what I am trying to convey, in my own convoluted way, is that I have perspective on games that I don't see reflected a great deal in the articles I read or the video's I watch. As does everybody. But I just feel the need to exposit my perspective as I think everyone should have a chance to do. I feel in a field as diverse and creative as gaming, a lot of our experience is shaped by personal quirks and history in a manner not many other mediums capture. When we all come together to share these very personalised moments and adventures they can collate into something incredibly special and unique.

This resonates with me because, as you may have picked up on, I'm not satisfied with myself and where I am in life. It's not that my direction is spiralling into unfavourable territory, it's that I lack a direction to begin with. In a selfish way this blog is for me, to give me an outlet to expand upon my creativity. The gaming community is very special to me in a way I have trouble conveying (clearly) and in recent years much of my personal development has been from interacting and getting involved in that community. 

Altogether, those are the reasons I decided to write a blog. To contribute to a community that has contributed so much to me and to provide my perspective on how I see games as someone from the outside looking in. All the way down in the Big Smoke. Gaming takes a very special place in my heart and much of who I am know has been shaped by my time with games (For better or for worse). Perhaps in sharing by views, opinions and experience I can form a clearer picture of who I am and where I go from here. 

And now with the conclusion of E3 2019 the air is ripe with gaming news for me to provide a layman's look at.

What can I expect to find in this blog?

My intention is to provide this blog with updates (Weekly at the very least) of what is happening in the world of gaming and provide my own spin on the topics. whether that be my opinion on a game's reveal, a development in the world of gaming or just a review of a game I've played. (More like a retrospective kind of review rather than brand new titles) Hopefully, the reader will be able to see a twist on the topic that interests them. Also, one can expect to find aspects of my personality. Not saying that's a positive or negative. Just giving folk fair warning.

What are your goals for this blog?

I hope to improve my own skills with writing and communication by writing something legible at least once a week. (Note: legibility is not a promise, just a goal). I hope to connect with others with a similar passion to mine and foster conversation about the topic I love more than any other; Video Games. (Way to be original, me.) And If I'm really lucky, I might just get someone who is mildly interested in games to take a dive in themselves. That's the dream.

Again, I'm no master writer, so if you have any tips and tricks that can help me improve I'd super appreciate it if you could hit me up and let me know.

What if you make a typo?

Point and laugh. Ridicule and berate me until I learn to be better. Follow and harass me everywhere I go until my dying day least I ever forget my sins. Or just tell me so I can fix it. Your choice. (So tempted to do 'You're' but I'm just not that sadistic)

What if I disagree with your take?

Great! I'd love to hear your side of the matter. Contact me and let me know so we can have a discussion on it. 

What if I agree with your take?

Great! I'd love to hear your side of the matter. Contact me and let me know so we can have a discussion on it. 

Wait, did you just copy and past those last two questions?


What if I hate your stupid face?

Great! I'd love to hear your side of the matter. Contact me and let me know so we can have a discussion on it.

Where can I reach you?

Anywhere! On the street, at the shops, in my house.(Maybe not that last one). But if you prefer the online medium than I have some avenues:

Gmail: (I don't know how to link this one.)
Blog: that's right here. Please comment and let me know what's up!

Yeah, Yeah. Not the most comprehensive list of social media options in the world but remember my point about being slow on the uptake? Example.

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